Legal Services Regulatory Authority
In Legal Services Regulatory Authority we point to the document reminding Michael J. Kennedy Solicitors of the need to finally close the case. The same document, the victim simultaneously (see page 18) posted to…
- Law Society of Ireland – received on 9th August 2023 at 09:28 (see pages 20 and 21)
- Legal Services Regulatory Authority – received on 9th August 2023 at 08:14 (see page 19) and to
- Minister for Justice – received on 9th August 2023 at 07:15 (see pages 22 and 23)
In that correspondence the victim stressed importance of the concern and gave them evidence that law office Michael J. Kennedy Solicitors already had the same letter. He believed that Legal Services Regulatory Authority of Ireland are really independent as they say themselves. Unfortunately, they would later reveal their true nature of a branch of the Criminal Organization. Apart from that the victim drew attention of the Authority to our office (his legal advisors) preparing to gradually upload to internet the overall file we have. In the course of almost eight years, while working in Irish Wheelchair Association, he was exposed continuously to mental and physical torture and other atrocities unheard of. We want to point out that these deliberate inflictions of physical pain caused bleedings of the victim’s lower legs. Both Irish Wheelchair Association and Leo Fay of Michael J. Kennedy Solicitors concealed the documentary evidences – we can prove it. Nonetheless, we have all what they concealed and prepare a separate paper which we will publish at the opportune time. What happened after Irish Wheelchair Association expelled him we do not see as human treatment. Uploading the exhibits to internet is necessary as, for instance, Law Society fully ignored the victim’s call for assistance. Minister for Social Protection registered his correspondence on 7th March 2023. Seven hundred and sixty one days have passed from then to publishing this post (14th February 2025) without a further letter which former criminal Minister for Social Protection – Heather Humphreys promised and the victim never received. We unsuccessfully called on Heather Humphreys 98 times to issue as she says “a further letter.” Since 23rd January 2025 Ireland has a new minister. Quest for Justice 3rd time call on Mr Calleary to finally issue “a further letter” and show findings of the inquiries his predecessor – former criminal Minister for Social Protection launched on 7th March 2023. For the time being we civilly address Mr Calleary. However, if after a while he does not do anything we will change language of addressing and keep calling on him to resolve these crimes. Other than that, we draw attention to two more high-ranking criminals within organizational structure of the Gang: Helen McEntee and Catherine Pierse – Minister for Justice and Director of Public Prosecutions. After all this, how can we or anyone have any belief in the reliability or sincere intentions of these institutions?! In correspondence to the Minister for Justice, Law Society and Legal Services Regulatory Authority (see page 4 – highlighted in yellow) the victim pointed to really unacceptable time (see page 4 – highlighted in green) that passed after 30th December 2015. On this day the parties signed the Agreement Letter (see page 5) and since then what these criminals have done are only numerous perpetrations of criminal offences. Subsequent events were going to prove who really are Michael J. Kennedy Solicitors. All this would later lead to the abhorrent wallow of crime and filth – Legal Services Regulatory Authority of Ireland. The Criminal Legislation in Ireland and truth speak…
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