The warning
In the warning, wishing to point to the severity of what was happening and unacceptable long time since 30th December 2015 when the Agreement Letter was signed (See…. 5th page) the victim, after waiting seven years and eight months for the outcome, addressed Michael J. Kennedy managing partner one more time (pgs 1-17 of 17)… Events of warning in Dublin – Ireland began when this monster received this file ( Wednesday, 19th July 2023 at 07:17 – see Proof of delivery one, Proof of delivery two and see also page 17 of this letter)
In the course of really long time between 30th December 2015 and 7th July 2023 the victim had “one thousand” of talks with this criminal of Michael J. Kennedy Solicitors who until the very end (7th July 2023) was skillfully and successfully hiding his monstrous intentions and nature. He never said or even indicated that there is something wrong with the cases. It should be kept in mind that there are two cases and two Agreement Letters which this law office and the victim signed. After seven years and eight months and, indeed, huge documentation the victim provided Michael Kennedy Solicitors with Leo Fay does not want to talk. Very notable is intention of these monsters to humiliate the victim in conviction that the Criminal Organization in Ireland they belong to protect them irrespective of the victim’s blood on hands of Leo fay and Michael J. Kennedy – we have the evidence and at a later stage Quest for Justice will show it to the world. Documentation that they concealed from the victim talks about horrific events. We have already mentioned several times and will do it again and again that people around the world will hear what this law office and their accomplices (there are many of them) have perpetrated. Publishing evidence of what has been happening from December 2004 will last really long time. However, we are prepared and will leave the permanent testimony of atrocities and extreme cruelty some believed they are entitled to. Today is 23rd January 2025 and all, the site points to, are going to extreme lengths to conceal what has been perpetrated. However, Confucius would respond that “….three things cannot long be hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth.” We have already pointed to and we will always repeat that Sections 7 and 8 of Criminal Law Act, 1997 are more than clear.
Proof of delivery one
Proof of delivery two